
The FDA Lied, Doctors Sued and Doctors Won

FDA lied, Doctors sued, and won! Most people heard a barrage and never-ending propaganda about. Will all the people that lied, now tell you they lied to you? FDA had to take down posts about Ivermectin

Meet Hear Elect Jonathan Emord for Virginia Senator in 2024

Jonathan Emord is a Constitutional Attorney and has been known as The FDA Dragon Slayer. He has helped protect nutritional supplements for decades. If you are in MLM, or not, Please support Jonathan Emord by voting for him if you are in VA , and by donating time and money…

Farm Match connects locals with good food

Looking for healthy food from like-minded people that grow Healthy Food? This website connects local farmers with good food with local customers. FarmMatch – Connecting farmers and consumers FarmMatch connects consumers worldwide with local farmers, buying clubs, farmers markets, and restaurants that offer fresh, sustainable, organic foods.

Robocalls using AI Generated Voices banned by FCC

Watch out! Who’s calling you may not be who you think. AI Voice generation is pretty cool and can be used for good and bad. In February 2024, The FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, made a ruling to enable AG’s to go after bad players using the TCPA Act. Learn…

If you live here, no Green Cards for you

“Sorry, Thanks for checking in, But we are closed.” No wonder the southern border is busy. The US government is making it hard to get a Green Card if you live in these 15 countries. [] Again, No Green Card Lottery For Nigeria As US Names Ineligible States For…

The other questions about Viruses and Virology

If you enjoy questions on many sides to inquire and probe for knowledge, you may enjoy these resources aqbout viruses and the study of them. I have been a fleeting fan of TWIV. This Week in Virology. You can find it on and on YouTube. [] The Latest Podcasts…

Hold Anthony Fauci Accountable and Stop Animal Experiments

Hold Anthony Fauci Accountable and Stop Animal Experiments Sign the petition to Hold Anthony Fauci accountable. He lies and he lied. Write to your congressman and congresswoman. The form on this site makes it easy. “He wrote checks” using taxpayer dollars to cut the vocal cords out of beagles…

See who makes the Money in the Government

Check out where the Money Goes From their website they state: “At, we work hard to capture and post all disclosed spending at every level of government – federal, state, and local. In 2022, we filed 50,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and captured 25 million public…

Another Federal Agency FCC against Elon Musk?

There is a growing list of Government Agencies going after Elon Musk and hos companies. No surprise that many federal Agencies do not like do not like Elon Musk . They stopped subsidies for EVs, they won’t support his expansion for rural and low income high speed internet access. FCC…

Biden Laptop Report – Organized by Crime Type

Hey, Thanks for the extra effort! The Marco Polo USA people helped organize the crimes identified by the Hunter Biden Laptop Report on the Biden Laptop Report on the Biden Laptop